MD.Rafsanjani Akib

Basic Info

  • Name
    MD.Rafsanjani Akib

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    Bhuiyan cottage, mazar para, mazar road, Uttarkhan, azompur, Uttara

Job Information

  • Job Type
    Full Time

  • Skill Level
    Mid level

  • Highest Education
    BBA (Hon's)

  • Job Category

  • Department

  • Present Salary

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area

MD.Rafsanjani Akib

Career Objective

To obtain a service oriented position where I can use my skills and experience as well as to provide me with a challenging and personal growing achievement.

Work Experince

2018 - continue

Inter trade link(business partner of

Operation manager ( HR & Administration) Set objectives for the HR team and track progress Monitor internal HR systems and databases Review and approve or modify budgets Design and implement company policies Monitor key HR metrics Act as a consultant to managers and staff regarding policies and procedures Create detailed reports on HR costs Recommend new software to address personnel needs, like performance review tools Address employees’queries(e.g.on compensation and labor regulations) Planand coordinate administrative procedures and systems and devise ways to streamline processes Recruit and train personnel and allocate responsibilities and office space Assess staff performance and provide coaching and guidance to ensure maximum efficiency Ensure the smooth and adequate flow of information with in the company to facilitate other business operations Manage schedules and deadlines Monitor inventory of office supplies and the purchasing of new material with attention to budgetary constraints Monitor costs and expenses to assisting budget preparation Oversee facilities services, maintenance activities and trades persons(e.g electricians) Organize and supervise other office activities(recycling, renovations,event planning etc.) Ensure operations adhere to policies and regulations Keep abreast with all organizational changes and business developments
2016 - 2018

Sky link limited

Asst.manager (HR & Administration) Planand coordinate administrative procedures and systems and devise ways to streamline processes Recruit and train personnel and allocate responsibilities and officespace Assess staff performance and provide coaching and guidance to ensure maximum efficiency Ensure the smooth and adequate flow of information within the company to facilitate other business operations Manage schedules and deadlines Monitor inventory of office supplies and the purchasing of new material with attention to budgetary constraints Monitor costs and expenses to assisting budget preparation Oversee facilities services, maintenance activities and trades persons(e.g electricians) Organize and supervise other office activities (recycling,renovations,event planning etc.) Ensure operations adhere to policies and regulations Keep abreast with all organizational changes and business developments
2014 - 2016

Globe group of companies

Executive officer - HR & Administration Communicating and explaining the organization's HR policies to the employees Handling administration of all contract labor. Preparing and submitting all relevant HR letters/documents/certificates/ attendance as per the requirement in consultation with the management. Handling monthly payroll and yearly forms for employees. Liaising with all government agencies to ensure adherence to compliance laws and regulations. Conducting recruitment/exit interviews and recording them accordingly Facilitating newcomers joining formalities Reviewing & updating job descriptions for all positions regularly. Understand and adhere to all pertinent labor laws.
2013 - 2014

Hamim group

Executive - HR (Intern) Work with company Directortor strategically plan HR initiatives that will benefit the company and encourage more efficient and beneficial work from employees Direct all hiring and training procedures for new employees Continually educate employees on company policies (including sexualharass ment,appropriate dress, and social media permissions,etc.)and keep employee handbook currentadministerorchangebenefits,healthplans,retirementplans,etc. Monitor employee progress and stay abreast on company climate and culture,ensuring it stays positive and productive Coordinate and direct work activities for managers and employees Fostercross-functional relationships and ensure managers and employees are properly connected Regularly meet with employees for progress reviews and assessments, discussing any problems or grievances they may have Promote a positive and open work environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up about issues Manage and supervise other HRstaff,ensuring they areas signed and carry out proper tasks Understand and adhere to all pertinent laborlaws



Uttara University

BBA Management Dhaka Grade: 3.37

Rajapur Degree College

Hsc Science Barishal Grade: 3.70

Rajapur pilot high school

SSC Science Barishal Grade: 3.19

Professional Skills Certifications

Course Name: Leadership programme

Institute: ACE Academy Duration: 6 month

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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