Mohammad Asaduzzaman
Accounting FinancePremium Member Details
Thank you very much for giving this opportunity. I am md saifur Rahman.I have nick name.nick name is imran.Recently i completed BBA HON'S accounting at alhaj mockbul hossain University College under of National Universit. I come from feni.And i living Dhanmondi. My father's name is Sultan Ahmed. My father is a teache. My mother name is alyea begum.and she is success Housewife. I came from joint family.I have job experience in accounts and Financ. I like punctuality, honest.I dislike any wrong things. My interest are playing cricket and badminton.That's all for me.
I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.
বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।