Md Parvej Jahan

Basic Info

  • Name
    Md Parvej Jahan

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    Rampura , dhaka

Job Information

  • Job Type
    Full Time

  • Skill Level
    Mid level

  • Highest Education

  • Job Category

  • Department
    Media/Ad./Event Mgt.

  • Present Salary

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area

Md Parvej Jahan

Career Objective

Work Experince

2018 - continue

Creature Communication

Executive(Business Development &Communications.) Marketing & Sales  Educating clients on the latest products, beta testing and insights.  Attend meetings with client and project partners on an adhoc basis regarding communications, program deliverables and branding & marking guidelines;.  Leading a team and devising an ad campaign that meets the needs and budget of clients.  Identifying opportunities for growth and new business.  Creating unique and relevant sales presentations that achieve the objectives of clients.  Working with a brand team and ensure proper service.  Persuading clients to buy advertising services.  Finding out who controls the advertising budget in target organizations and contacting them.  Explaining the benefits of your medium, using statistics on readership or viewing figures.  Offering a price and negotiating around it closing the deal and recording the detail.  Create effective communication strategies and build longterm relationships with influencers and clientele.
2018 - 2018

Walton BD

Territory Sales Manager 1.Confirm the attendance of sales officer. 2.Confirm timely product delivery to the distributor point. 3.Ensure the vehicle loading & timely sales out. 4.Preparation of Self-monitoring sheet. 5.Morning meeting with Sales Officer. 6.Regular market visit. 7.Discuss with distributor through online 8.Evening meeting with SO, DSR & Distributor. 9.Collection of daily demand after evening meeting. 10Achievement of sales target (Daily, Weekly & Monthly). 11.Create new outlet for market coverage. 12.To solve any problem with field force, DSR & Customers relating to sales & distributions. 13.Monitor promotional program. 14.Collection information about competitor activities. 15.Any other job assigned by the Management. 16.Timely send office document. 17.Plan and execute sales strategies and forecast to ensure sales. 18. Achieving sales target to assign area. 19.Oversee the daily operations of outlet,dealer point for efficient operations. 20. Develop and enforce established policies and procedures. 21. Establish operational strategies to meet quality and customer service standards. 22. Maintain the outlet,dealer point facility clean and safe. 23. Obtain customer feedback and recommend necessary outlet operational changes. 24. Schedule orientations to dealers and associates. 25. Organize regular meetings to discuss about issues and updates. 26. Address customer queries courteously and ensure customer satisfaction. 27. Analyze and resolve problems in a timely and accurate manner. 28. Create effective communication strategies and build long-term relationships with influencer and clientele
2016 - 2018

Pran RFL Group

Territory Sales Manager 1.Confirm the attendance of sales officer. 2.Confirm timely product delivery to the distributor point. 3.Ensure the vehicle loading & timely sales out. 4.Preparation of Self-monitoring sheet. 5.Morning meeting with Sales Officer. 6.Regular market visit. 7.Discuss with distributor through online 8.Evening meeting with SO, DSR & Distributor. 9.Collection of daily demand after evening meeting. 10Achievement of sales target (Daily, Weekly & Monthly). 11.Create new outlet for market coverage. 12.To solve any problem with field force, DSR & Customers relating to sales & distributions. 13.Monitor promotional program. 14.Collection information about competitor activities. 15.Any other job assigned by the Management. 16.Timely send office document. 17.Plan and execute sales strategies and forecast to ensure sales. 18.Make sure of achieving sales target in a particular territory with a team. 19.Develop team members` quality and sales in an assigned area. 20.Prepare monthly sales report and ensure sales DO. 21.Monitoring market sales, solve all market related problem and report to head office. 22. Achieving sales target to assign area. 23. Oversee the daily operations of outlet for efficient operations. 24. Develop and enforce established policies and procedures. 25. Establish operational strategies to meet quality and customer service standards. 26.Maintain the outlet, dealer point facility clean and safe. 27.Organize regular meetings to discuss about issues and updates. 28.Address customer queries courteously and ensure customer satisfaction. 29.Analyze and resolve problems in a timely and accurate manner. 30. Create effective communication strategies and build long-term relationships with influencer and clientele .
2016 - 2016

Multi Trade Enterprise Limited

Project Officer (i) Maintain books of accounts and other financial documents. (ii) Assist to maintain prepare cash control. (iii) Check and verify bills and provide payments. (iv) Assist to prepare daily farmer payment sheet. (v) Monitoring and maintain daily cash and banking transaction. (vi) Assist in daily payment and due update reporting to head office.



Govt Azizul Haque College Bogura

MSS Economics National University Grade: 2nd Class

Govt Azizul Haque College Bogura

BSS Economics National University Grade: 2nd Class

Govt Shah Sultan College Bogura

HSC Humanities Rajshahi Grade: 3.60

Bogura Cantonment Board High School

SSC Science Rajshahi Grade: 3.50

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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