Basic Info

  • Name

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    R.P Tower, Flat: 5/K, Plot: 04, Road-02, Block-D, Mirpur-02, Dhaka-1216

Job Information

  • Job Type
    Full Time

  • Skill Level
    Mid level

  • Highest Education
    Bachelor of Business Studies (PASS)

  • Job Category

  • Department

  • Present Salary

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area


Career Objective

Achieving a dynamic and challenging job where I can use my technical and interpersonal skills, creativity and above all my experiences in order to develop my career as well as to contribute to the welfare of the organization.

Work Experince

2011 - 2011

Alpha Group

Seals Representative Order making from retailers & Products ensure to retailers by DSR.
2012 - 2014

Mousumi Enterprises Ltd, Aman Group

Seals Promotion Officer Physical stock checking, Product requisition, Order making from retailers & Product ensure to retailers by DSR.
2014 - 2018

Symphony Mobile, Edison Group

Distribution Officer Take care of Channel Sales all responsibility like, Prepare requisition by getting update from HQ, Regularly analyze previous days model wise Sales, Receiving & Closing stock analysis, Check current days product allocation and availability from HQ, Sales entry @Software, Physical stock checking at Dealer point. Attain kick-off meeting with Dealer & DSR- topic: Present productivity of the target, till to date target achievement and required strike rate discussion, Present campaign recalling, working on SKU placement. Make monthly & SKU target of DSRs individual as per HQ target, find out new POS & Confirm entry @ERMS with ETSM update, Cross check credit of retailers & try to my product on eye level in retailers Display. I have to manage Dealer, DSRs, Retailers frequently & Costumers also. I have to confirm execution of POSM, handle service issue of all stakeholders, to execute all kinds of marketing activities at my Territory. I have to keep keen observation on my product feedback & take tertiary sales also provide quality report to my reporting Boss on time.
2018 - continue

Symphony Mobile, Edison Group

Zonal Sales Manager (Executive) Achieve sales TGT through selling (visiting market) and ensure proper placement and visibility. Analyze how to improve the competitive position in the market through improved customer service. Negotiate with the SSF (Secondary Sales Force) and develop the people on managing customers to obtain more business. Monitor closely the competitive activities and provide feedback to the branch on appropriate action that the company needs to take to counter such activities. Monitor systematically the performance of the sales team and take corrective action (infrastructure gaps) and training the Sales Team to deliver the numbers. Work within budget limits for brand activities organize promotion activities in consultation with the superiors.



Al-Madina Academy High School

SSC Business Studies Cumilla Grade: 3.69

Noakhali Govt. College

HSC Business Studies Cumilla Grade: 2.50

National University

BBS (Pass) Business Studies National University Grade: Second Division

Professional Skills Certifications

Course Name: Computer Basic Training

Institute: Department of Youth Development, Govt. of Bangladesh Duration: 6 months

Course Name: Digital Marketing

Institute: BiTM under Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh Duration: 48 hrs

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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