Arif Sarker
Basic Info
Arif Sarker -
Male -
Islam -
Bangladeshi -
Vill:rupshi, post:rupshi, upazila: rupgonj, Dist: Narayangonj
Job Information
Job Type
Full Time -
Skill Level
Beginner -
Highest Education
Job Category
garments-textile, Garments/Textile -
Knitting & Dyeing -
Production -
Expected Salary
৳ 10000 -
Preferred Area
Arif Sarker
Career Objective
It’s my pleasure to introduce myself in fornt of you.This is arif sarker.I complete diploma degree from the department of textile from national Institute of engineering and technology obtaining Cgpa-3.73 respectively. And study continue Bsc in textile engineering from Sonargaon University (SU) .
Talking about my strength and skill. I am innovative, hardworking and a quick larner.I can work under pressure.I am good at communication skill which enables me too convince people in my favour thought logical argumen. I am positive thinker.
My weakness are i am a short tampered,trust easily on people and emotional but i want to break emotionally.
My hobby is listening music.
As a freshe, i Don't have any work experience, but i will prove my self once the opportunit.
Thank you.
Work Experince
Knit concern group
Junior executive (production ) Good workerTexaco SRM yarn dyeing ltd
Assistant Qc yarn dyeing Good workerEducation
Ramgopal hossainia dakhil madrasah,Rangpur
01 Science Dhaka Grade: 4.81National Institute of engineering and technolog, NIET
02 Textile Technical education boar, dhaka Grade: 3.73Sonargoan University (SU)
03 Textile Dhaka Grade: .......I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.
বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।