Md. Rokibul Islam
Basic Info
Md. Rokibul Islam -
Male -
Islam -
Bangladeshi -
Job Information
Job Type
Full Time -
Skill Level
Mid level -
Highest Education
B.Sc In TextileEngineering -
Job Category
garments-textile, Garments/Textile -
Garments & Buying house -
Ie And Planning -
Expected Salary
৳ 42000 -
Preferred Area
Md. Rokibul Islam
Career Objective
My name is Md. Rokibul Islam.I completed my Diploma in Engineering on Mechanical Technology in 2012 and completed my B.Sc in Textile Engineering in 2018.I started my job in IE department in 2012 at InterStoff Apparel Ltd.Now I am working at Surma Garments Ltd. as Sr. IE Executive.I like to introduce with new technologyin garments sector. I am sincere about my time and wor.
Work Experince
InterStoff Apparel Ltd.
Jr. IE executive Manpower count, Line Balancing, Capacity study, Motion study, New operator skill test, Skill Matrix, Operation breakdown prepared, Loss time record, Target setup, Daily, weekly, monthly efficiency report, Worker motivation.Falcon International Knit Composite
IE Executive Operation Breakdown prepared, Loss time record, Guide and folder arrangement with mechanic, Capacity Study, Motion study, Operator skill test Skill Matrix, Incentive policy maintain, Daily target setup, Daily, weekly,monthly efficiency report, Worker counciling, Production follow up based on ship dateSurma Garments Ltd.
Sr. IE Executive • Operation Bulletin preparation to be done for three stages- Initial proto sample & FIT, Approved sample. • Layout Preparation for every style. • Every month machinery requirement plan to be prepared and arrange to in house necessary machine in advance by coordinating plan. • Arrange to in-house folders and attachment well in advance based on scheduled production plan. • Thread consumption chart preparation and co-ordinate with merchant team for thread purchase • Skill Matrix updating once in three month. • Updating the SAM Database based on method improvement. • Preparation of factory wise incentive reports based on respective department production and efficiency. • Monitoring weekly performance report of individuals and conduct meeting to improve their performance. • Three days before the style starts in line, layout should be discussed with Factory Manager and Production Manager and get their signature to implement. • Conducting Method study and educate to follow the best method to operators. • Conducting capacity study of individuals and fix their target after 3 days from the style starts. • Follow-up study (operators who are all not achieving the Target/Capacity). • Bottle neck operation – identify and eradicate. • Developing multi-skill operators based on their individual interest and maintaining skill matrix record. • List out low efficiency operator and monitor to improve their efficiency. • Measuring line lost hours due to various reasons in sewing floor. • Monitoring and Line balancing – Based on Capacity and WIP in the line • Helping supervisors in line balancing during high operator absenteeism.Education
Meherpur Government High School
SSC Jashore Grade: 4.50Kushtia Polytechnic Institute
Diploma in Engineering Bangladesh Technical Education Board Grade: 3.46Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
B.Sc In TextileEngineering Bangladesh Technical Education Board Grade: 3.21I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.
বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।