Md. Murshedunnabi

Basic Info

  • Name
    Md. Murshedunnabi

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    18 Gaus-ul-Azam Avenue, Sector-13, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.

Job Information

  • Job Type
    Full Time

  • Skill Level
    Expert level

  • Highest Education

  • Job Category

  • Department
    Real state

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area

Md. Murshedunnabi

Career Objective

Looking for hard and challenging job where I will have the scope to utilize my potentiality and skills to do something innovative and from where I will be to enhance knowledge.Looking for hard and challenging job where I will have the scope to utilize my potentiality and skills to do something innovative and from where I will be to enhance knowledge.

Work Experince

- continue

Quantum Properties Ltd.

AGM- Sales & Marketing  To organize the sales team to Achieve company sales target with individual target.  To design and implement sales plan, Event or campaign to achieve the sales target.  To supervise sales teams in terms of sales planning, forecasting and shaping sales strategies.  To visit prospective customers regularly & Building a strong relationship with the customers.  To analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of sales inquiries, methods and results.  To prepare buyer profiles, and ensure proper documentation for record in the time of selling.  To ensure optimum utilization of promotional materials.  To maintain relationship with the existing customers.  To scan the market, identify opportunities for business growth, prepare and implement growth plans.  To responsible for developing corporate image as well as brand “NAME” with continuous hard work and sincere effort.  To responsible the complete deed of agreement of each of the sales deal and collect the due amount against every sale of each team until the completion of the deed of agreement.  To manage presence in social networking sites including Facebook, Google, Google Plus, Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Blogspot, Wikipedia and other similar community sites, posting on relevant blogs, and seeding content into social applications as needed.  To prepare monthly collection report for management & regularly and immediately provide sales and collection report to the management.  To support of initiate necessary steps for home loan purpose and financial institute/ customer is request to do on time to provide relevant documents.  To ability to work well under pressure and to tight deadlines. And executing monitoring sales, collections to achieve the sales target.  To undertake additional tasks and responsibilities deemed necessary by the Management.
- 2017

Quantum Properties Ltd.

Manager- Sales & Marketing -
- 2015

Quantum Properties Ltd.

Assistant Manager - Sales & Marketing -
- 2013

Shoptoborno Properties Ltd.

Sr. Executive- Sales & Marketing -
- 2011

Shoptoborno Properties Ltd.

Executive- Sales & Marketing -



Bangladesh University

Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Human Resource Management - Grade: 3.63 out of Scale 4.00

Bangladesh University

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Management - Grade: 3.04 out of Scale 4.00

Sarishabari RUT College

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Science Dhaka Grade: First Division

Sarishabari RUT High School

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Science Dhaka Grade: First Division

Professional Skills Certifications

Course Name: Consumer Loan Process.

Institute: IDLC Finance Limited. Duration: 2 Days

Course Name: Internship Program (BBA Student)

Institute: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd Duration: 3 Months

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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