Jesmin ferdous sonia
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To have a career full life with passion, Dignity and also to have good environment with ensured job security. I do believe in learning and practice; So that I can implicate it at works a part from that I left no stone unturned behind my back for others. I will appreciate a Dynamic working environment, which will year me up to expose my full effort at the last extent of my best out come on the other hand my senior’s proper guidance will allow me to work smoothly and effectively. There will be always punctuality; Dedication, tenacity and above all determination with the teamwork will be my total strength in achieving my targeted goal.
I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.
বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।