Md Jamerul islam
Bank Non Bank Fin InstitutionPremium Member Details
My career goal is to secure a postion in a renowned organization. To expand my knowledge about my field which I am working in and gather more skills. I would want to establish a strong career oppourtunity to utilize what I have been prepered for during my schooling years and to explore my trainings, and sillks and also so that the company can benefit from my presence.
I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.
বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।