Rana Ahmmed

Basic Info

  • Name
    Rana Ahmmed

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    Ventura Leatherware Mfy (BD) Ltd. Plot#15-27, Sec#02, Plot#23,44, Plot#03, UEPZ, Nilphamari.

Job Information

  • Job Type

  • Skill Level
    Mid level

  • Highest Education
    MBS (Accounting)

  • Job Category
    Accounting Finance, accounting-finance

  • Department
    Accounts & Finance

  • Present Salary

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area

Rana Ahmmed

Career Objective

My aim is to serve in an organization where I’ll have an opportunity to utilize my knowledge in the subjects that I have studied. I believe that I can also perform well in the administrative field or any other related sector and contribute to the organization. In case of a job in a different sector my aim is to work in an environment where the reason of self-assessment and self-improvement in both individual and group based work that will ultimately lead to the further development of my professional career.

Work Experince

2011 - 2015

Runner Group of Companies.(RAL)

Senior Executive-Accounts 1. Posting of Voucher in Tally and preparation accounts with accountability. 2. Check the entire bill. 3. Prepare Cash & Bank book, Ledger Book, Bank reconciliation statement. 4. Ensure compliance of various Govt. rules & regulation especially TAX & VAT. 5. Consolidate Balance Sheet. 6. Maintain all account books/registers/ledgers etc accurately. 7. All kinds of accounting entries in Tally & ERP Software & handle it independently. 8. Prepare account reports - daily, weekly & monthly & submit to higher authority. 9. Check all transactions like receive voucher, payment voucher, Journal voucher. 10. Monthly and year end closing of the general ledger including the preparation of journal entries 11. To collect receipts/payment voucher of Depots and Factory regularly and posting to software. 12. Assist in preparing monthly & annual budget and accounts & find out budget variance.
2015 - continue

Ventura Leatherware Mfy (BD) Ltd.

Senior Officer-Finance & Accounts 1. Prepared Monthly Financial Statement. 2. Prepared FDI report. 3. Prepared Daily Bank book & Bank In out and send to Hongkong office. 4. Prepared monthly Reconciliation of bank accounts. 5. Prepare monthly budget and reconcile with the Expense Summary. 6. Prepared Monthly Export Summary and reconcile with Logistic record 7. Preparation of Cash follows statement. 8. Preparation of Receive & Payment Accounts. 9. Checking invoices and bills received and gaining approval. 10. Bills of material costs reconciliation. 11. Prepare Payment Voucher, Cheque and maintain day to day 12. Banking and fund management. 13. Keep records of all transactions and prepare daily relevant journals and input into Accounting Software. 14. Prepare statutory accounts and liaison with the internal Auditors. 15. Calculation AIT and deposit to Bank. 16. Prepared return of withholding tax under 75A. 17. Checking all category Bills 18. Checking All EPR Voucher. 19. Maintenance all Party Ledger 20. Checking Final Settlement & Maternity Benefit Payment. 21. Prepared Monthly VAT Return & submitted to VAT Office. 22. Working on Work permit (Foreign Staff), TIN & all tax related task. 23. Checking monthly Salary Statement . 24. Perform all activities about S6S and File Management. 25. Perform all activities which given by HOD, Management.



Dari Bhaudanga High School, Pabna.

S.S.C Business Studies Rajshahi Grade: 3.25

New Govt. Degree college, Rajshahi.

H.S.C Business Studies Rajshahi Grade: 3.20

Govt. Edward College, Pabna.

B.Com(Hons) Accounting National University Grade: 2nd Class

Govt. Edward College, Pabna.

M. Com. (Accounting) Accounting National University Grade: 1st Class

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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